Tuesday 29 May 2007

Partition of Ireland

Ireland is not a single country. It is shared between the UK and Eire. The part owned by the British is known as Northern Ireland or Ulster. The Republic of Ireland, or Eire, the ROI, or even just Ireland, is not part of the UK. It takes up five-sixths or the island. It was created in 1922 and was then known as the Irish Free State, then Southern Ireland, then the current name, the Republic of Ireland. The war for Irish Independence began in the early 1910s. In 1916, the Easter Rising took place in Dublin. Then in 1922, the Anglo-Irish Treaty Created the Irish Free State. Many Republicans still want Northern Ireland to be part of Ireland, and create the Irish Republic.


Nazmeen Chowdhury said...

i understand that this information is just for kids but i have to say that this was not enough infomration to help me with my homework. i understood all the information but it just was not enough. would it be possible if you were to add more information in please.
much appreciated xxx

Nazmeen Chowdhury said...

i understand that this information is just for kids but i have to say that this was not enough infomration to help me with my homework. i understood all the information but it just was not enough. would it be possible if you were to add more information in please.
much appreciated xxx

Anonymous said...

First thing to point out is that Ireland IS a single country. The country of Ireland ( or Eire in Irish ) , comprises of 26 of the thirty two counties that make up the island itself. The official name of the 26 county state is Ireland which as it happens is also the name of the entire island itself. People who live in the 26 county state ( Ireland ) never really refer to their country with such expressions as "Republic of Ireland" or "Southern Ireland" ETC.

The 26 county state ( Ireland ) of course is a Republic , however this is a political expression and is not the official name of the country.

The partition of the island of Ireland by the British came about after a guerilla war by the IRA for independence , brought the British to the negotiating table.

The British threatened all out war if the treaty to partition the Island was not accepted. This partitioning of the island led to a civil war in Ireland between pro and anti treaty forces.There were often reports of brothers who were fighting on opposing sides.

The partition of Ireland has had long lasting repercussions and remains very devisive even to this day. More recently , civil unrest in the 1960's and the response by the British , led to a 30 year campaign by both "republican" and "loylasits" paramilitaries which left thousands dead and tens of thousands injured.

The above is a very simplistic version of the events. The history of Ireland is a very complicated one and the partition of Ireland remains very devisive.

Another point to note is that a lot of people in the 26 county State ( Ireland )would frown on people from the 6 county state ( Northern Ireland ) refering to Northern Ireland as "Ulster".

Ulster is one of the four ancient provinces of the island of Ireland. The provience of Ulster is made up of 9 counties , six of these counties make up the state of Northern Ireland , however people from Northern Ireland who use the expression "Ulster" seem to forget about these other 3 counties which are part of the 26 counties state ( Ireland ).

See , I told you. The history of Ireland is very devisive.

Anonymous said...

i think that it is easy to read but there is not enough information to do my homework